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Sara Smith

Photo of Sara Smith


Phone: 780-790-1100

My name is Sara Smith and I have been a teacher at École McTavish Public High since it first opened in 2011. I moved to Fort McMurray from Newfoundland in 2008, just two days after completing my final exams at University. I graduated from MUN with a Bachelor of Arts (French/Geography), as well as a Bachelor of Education (Primary/Elementary). While I have taught mainly in the area of junior high humanities and arts over my career, I am thrilled to be the head of the Art program here at our school. I take this position with care and a passion to expand our students' level of skills, comfort and creativity within our building, out in our community and beyond. I am a lifelong learner and enjoy spending my days watching the spark ignite in a student's eye. Outside of work, I spend most of my time with my children and family, and doing anything we can to enjoy life up here in the north!

School Notice

IMPORTANT→ Attendance

Parents/Guardians, during the CUPE strike, please email for all attendance-related concerns such as excusing your child due to illness, picking your child up early, acknowledging a late, informing us of a prolonged absence, etc.

Please note that we are unable to check voicemail throughout the day; however, we are able to check email, which is why we ask for your assistance with this.

Thank you