
collage of school photos


Safe and Caring School

  • Imbedded in all École McTavish School; Safe and Caring Schools includes: Tribes Learning Community, Anti-Bullying Programs, Bus Safety, and Crisis Management.

PEAK Athletic Academy

  • This school within a school concept allows students from Grades 4 to 12 to focus on hockey (grades 3 - 12), dance (grades 3 - 12), soccer (grade 7 - 12), multi-sport (grade 4-6), and basketball (grades 4- 9), skills to the next level through this passion-based education.
  • The Division sports academy was first introduced in Fort McMurray Public Schools at École McTavish Junior High School and École Dickinsfield Elementary School in September 2011 with the focus & commitment to balance and develop academics, athletics and character.
  • Focusing on these 3 areas gave our students the advantage to develop life skills and build a solid foundation for their future as citizens and leaders of their community.
  • While our name and logo changed, our public school District's commitment to students has not.
  • Our focus remains on our students excelling in academics, athletics and leadership. Please Contact for more information.

Inclusive Programming

First Nations, Metis, Inuit Education

  • Alberta Education is committed to improving education outcomes for First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) students and to closing the gap in education achievement between FNMI and other provincial students.
  • We work with First Nations and Métis leaders and communities to engage FNMI parents and families to support student success through collaborative partnerships with schools and by developing culturally relevant programs, resources and student supports.
  • Students volunteer in the community and create community partnerships. Students are also exposed to many things about their culture via hands-on-activities and visits with elders and community members.
  • Please contact for more information.

Mental Health Supports

  • Mental health supports in schools are integrated with services provided through government (Alberta Health, Child & Family Services) and through community agencies.
  • School counselors across the district provide both individual and group interventions that focus on identifying core problem areas and supporting classroom learning.
  • Please contact for more information.

Fine Arts

  • École McTavish has many opportunities for students interested in visual and performing arts.
  • Option courses that are offered at our school include: Glee, Band, Drama, and Art.
  • There are also extra-curricular offerings: Theatre Production and Set Design.
  • Several teachers at our school also participate in Learning through the Arts.
  • This initiative partners local artists with teachers and together they design engaging and quality lessons that incorporate fine arts into core curriculum.
  • Contact for more information

School Notice

IMPORTANT→ Attendance

Parents/Guardians, during the CUPE strike, please email for all attendance-related concerns such as excusing your child due to illness, picking your child up early, acknowledging a late, informing us of a prolonged absence, etc.

Please note that we are unable to check voicemail throughout the day; however, we are able to check email, which is why we ask for your assistance with this.

Thank you