Selecting Courses

Hello Marauders and Future Marauders!

On this page you will find a collection of links that will help you register for your courses for the next year. 

For our Junior High students, and their families, you can find our electives list below!

For High School students and their families, there are many short clips to go through to help explain the high school course path and how to get onto PowerSchools to give us your choices. Please watch all the videos to fully understand which courses to pick for yourself. Do not hesitate to contact the office with questions around any part of this course picking process. Note: students will have the opportunity to choose their courses in-person, but we know some families like to complete this at home.

Something to remember, this is ONLY the course selection part of the registration process.

  • New students must fully register, while current students must complete a demographic confirmation; this is where you will update your address, contacts, and other important information for us at the school—it must be completed yearly.
    • Both of these actions are completed on PowerSchool (via School Engage).

If you need your login information for PowerSchools (password or user name) please contact the office at 780-790-1100.

Ecole McTavish Admin Team

Junior High Links

Junior High Electives are chosen and swapped quarterly:

  • Quarter 1: September → Beginning of November

  • Quarter 2: Mid-November → End of January

  • Quarter 3: February → Mid-April

  • Quarter 4: End of April → End of June

Our Junior High Elective Sheet can be found here.

Students will select their Quarter 1 electives during their designated "Staggered Entry" date in August!

High School Links

Here are some helpful University, College, and Trades requirements

what do i need for the next step university requirements image
a selection of apprenticeship and college requirements image

School Notice

Junior High Electives→Elective Requests

The last day to request an elective change is Monday, September 9th.
We ask that students—not parents/guardians—email their designated Vice Principal for an elective change.
Note: Parents/Guardians may email if a student's fmpsd email is not yet active!

Grade 7s → email Ms. Morris (
Grade 8s → email Mr. Hamed (
Grade 9s → email Mr. Hurley (