District Scholarships

The following scholarships are available through the Fort McMurray Public School District.  Applications are due June 1. Students can get applications from Mrs. MacEachen in Student Services in late April.

Jack and Louise Corless Memorial Scholarship

Value: $500.00

Number: One for each high school in Fort McMurray.

Purpose: To recognize the achievements of students who have demonstrated leadership and citizenship.  In selecting the recipient of this award, particular attention may be given to a student who has overcome personal difficulties, or who is in financial need.

Tenable: At any accredited post-secondary school.

Eligibility: Applicant must be graduating in the year in which the applicant is applying.

Deadline: June 1, 2018


  • Jack and Louise came to Fort McMurray in 1975.  Jack was the Principal who opened Beacon Hill. He then opened the new Greely Road School.  Spent a few months as Principal of Composite prior to his death in 1984.
  • Jack served two (2) terms on City Council as Alderman; he also was on the Hospital Board.
  • Louise taught school at Thickwood.  While she did teach Grade One and Grade Four, most of her time there was as a Teacher Librarian.  When Louise retired she worked tirelessly for her church. Louise died in August 1994.
  • Jack and Louise were two very committed educators who helped to build the Public School system in the early days of McMurray.
  • The Corless family includes three (3) children – two of whom were educated at Composite and the youngest graduated from Westwood.
  • This scholarship focuses on – Leadership and Citizenship

AON Scholarship

Decision made at high school level and award will be presented at the awards ceremony.  Associate Superintendent of Education & Administration’s office is to be advised prior to awards ceremony so that a cheque may be prepared in time. Applications available in student services

For Westwood Students Only

Value: $500.00 yearly

Presented by: School Administration

Must have completed Math 30-1 and Math 31 and going into STEM field.

Deadline: June 1, 2018

Northwinds Marching Band Scholarships - No Deadline

Award: $300.00 for each category

Nomination: Students must be in high school, but do not have to be in grade 12.  Each student is nominated by his or her music teacher.

Purpose: To recognize three students from each of the three Fort McMurray High Schools in the following instruments:  Woodwinds, Percussion and Brass

The criteria for this award includes:

  • Short Essay discussing their interest in music, high school band experience and how long they have played, etc.

Clearwater Horse Club Equine Scholarship

Sponsor: Clearwater Horse Club

Award: $500.00

Nomination: Students must be in grade 12 and eligible to receive a High School Diploma.

Purpose: To encourage students to further their post-secondary education in Equine fields of study.

Eligibility / Criteria:

  • First, open to students who are continuing their post-secondary education in equine fields
  • Second, if no applicants for Equine post-secondary, then other common fields of study which include Animal Science, Veterinary, Agriculture
  • Finally, if not applicant for the above noted field of study, open to any student attending an Alberta post-secondary program.
  • Recipient to provide proof of acceptance to a post-secondary institute.
  • Clearwater Horse Club requires a letter from the recipient following the completion of the first term for the purpose of updating their members.
  • A short essay is required, discussing the applicants’ interest in the equine field, experience, and future goals.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Alberta Program first = 1 point.
  2. Involvement with Equine programs, such as 4-H Club, Riding Clubs and personal riding experience = 2 points.
  3. 70% or higher grade point average = 1 point.

Total of 4 points, if a tie occurs, names will be drawn to select the winner.

Selection Committee:

  • Two Clearwater Horse Club Members
  • One Public School Board employee
  • One Catholic School Board employee

Application Deadline: April 30, please submit completed applications to Student Services.

School Notice

IMPORTANT→ Attendance

Parents/Guardians, during the CUPE strike, please email emtabsences@fmpsd.ab.ca for all attendance-related concerns such as excusing your child due to illness, picking your child up early, acknowledging a late, informing us of a prolonged absence, etc.

Please note that we are unable to check voicemail throughout the day; however, we are able to check email, which is why we ask for your assistance with this.

Thank you