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Samantha Stone

Photo of Samantha Stone

CALM, ELL, Social Studies

Phone: 780-790-1100

My role at Ecole McTavish High School is that of Learning Assistance Coordinator for our high school students. Please reach out if you're having concerns about your student's progress.

My husband Stephen and I are parents to our  daughter Janna, and our mini Australian shepherd named Stella. We are originally from BC, having moved to Fort McMurray in 2010 from Kitimat, but I was born and raised in Port Alberni, BC. I am a graduate from the University of Victoria in 1999, and have spent time teaching in Vancouver, Calgary, Kitimat, and here. I have been with the McTavish staff since our original opening and am thrilled to be a part of growing into our high school program.

I love working at McTavish because each day has unexpected joy to be discovered. A silly moment, an idea that gives me a unique point of view, or helping a student have a new understanding make this profession incredibly rewarding. I am proud to work here and have my daughter be a student in this building, to participate in a school with loads of programming for students, and with a staff who genuinely care about student well being.  

School Notice

IMPORTANT→ Attendance

Parents/Guardians, during the CUPE strike, please email for all attendance-related concerns such as excusing your child due to illness, picking your child up early, acknowledging a late, informing us of a prolonged absence, etc.

Please note that we are unable to check voicemail throughout the day; however, we are able to check email, which is why we ask for your assistance with this.

Thank you