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Grace Gillis

Photo of Grace Gillis

English & Social Studies

Hi there! My name is Grace Gillis, I am new to Fort McMurray and thrilled to join the École McTavish community. I am from Halifax, Nova Scotia, with strong family ties to Cape Breton. This summer, I am driving across the country to make the move to Fort McMurray! 

When I am not teaching, I enjoy travelling, going to concerts, sporting events, and spending time with friends and family. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and English at St.FX, where I then completed my Bachelor of Education. 

I can't wait to build positive connections with students this school year and grow my skills as a teacher. Here's to an exciting academic journey ahead!

School Notice

IMPORTANT→ Attendance

Parents/Guardians, during the CUPE strike, please email for all attendance-related concerns such as excusing your child due to illness, picking your child up early, acknowledging a late, informing us of a prolonged absence, etc.

Please note that we are unable to check voicemail throughout the day; however, we are able to check email, which is why we ask for your assistance with this.

Thank you