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Bridget McSwiggan

Photo of Bridget McSwiggan

English & Social Studies

I grew up in Ottawa, Ontario and come from a big family! I was fortunate enough to complete my undergraduate degree at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia while playing on the varsity women's basketball team. I then decided to pursue my passion for teaching at St. Francis Xavier University, where I completed my Bachelor of Education degree. 

Outside of the classroom, I love spending time with friends and family, whether that's travelling, eating or watching TV! I also enjoy competition, including sports, card games or video games. My happy place is my family cottage in Prince Edward Island. 

I really look forward to building relationships with my students and colleagues.
I believe that every student has a right to be heard and seen within their learning environment, allowing them to reach their full potential and have a positive school experience.

I am thrilled to be a part of the Marauder family this year!

School Notice

Junior High Electives→Elective Requests

The last day to request an elective change is Monday, September 9th.
We ask that students—not parents/guardians—email their designated Vice Principal for an elective change.
Note: Parents/Guardians may email if a student's fmpsd email is not yet active!

Grade 7s → email Ms. Morris (
Grade 8s → email Mr. Hamed (
Grade 9s → email Mr. Hurley (